Marissa Nicosia, Ph.D.

(She, Her, Hers)
Associate Professor of Renaissance Literature, English


Imagining Time in the English Chronicle Play: Historical Futures, 1590-1660 (Oxford University Press, 2023)

这个项目认为,当戏剧报道关于国家过去的叙述时,它们构建了投机性的未来. 借鉴历史形式主义和批判目录学的方法, 本研究揭示了近代早期编年史戏剧参与时代性和政治争论的隐喻和物质方式.

Shakespeare in the Kitchen (Routledge, forthcoming 2025)

这项研究询问莎士比亚能告诉我们关于早期现代烹饪食谱的什么,以及这些食谱能通过简短的章节告诉我们关于莎士比亚的什么,这些章节既包括对他的作品的分析,也包括可供烹饪的最新历史食谱. 集中阅读食谱和莎士比亚的诗歌和戏剧,可以让食谱指导照亮文学和诗歌,为实践提供洞察力. Under contract with Routledge’s “Spotlight on Shakespeare” series. 

Cooking in the Archives: Updating Early Modern Recipes (1600-1800) in a Modern Kitchen

Cooking in the Archives 是一个公共人文项目,从早期现代英国家庭手稿中整理和更新食谱,为包括食品历史学家在内的观众提供服务, students researching early modern culture, culinary enthusiasts, and the general public. 《腾讯分分彩平台》、《腾讯分分彩平台官网》、《腾讯分分彩平台官网》、CNN都对它进行了专题报道.com, and on Talk of Iowa (NPR).

Seasonal Tastes: English Literary and Recipe Culture, 1550-1750 (in progress)

Reading poetry alongside how-to literature, 这个项目探索了英国交织在一起的文学和食谱文化,以考虑风味, time, poetics, and climate in the early modern period. 通过对季节的诗意和实际的讨论作为其中心焦点, this study intervenes in recent debates in literary studies, food studies, and the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies.

Selected awards, grants, and honors

  • 富兰克林研究基金,美国哲学学会,2024-2025.
  • 亨廷顿图书馆科学技术史迪布纳研究员,2024-2025.
  • 学院参议院杰出研究奖,腾讯分分彩平台官网分校,2023年.
  • 《腾讯分分彩平台官网》之前,福尔杰莎士比亚图书馆Margaret Hannay研究员,2022-2023年.
  • Ogontz ' 65职业发展教授,腾讯分分彩平台官网分校,2021-2023. 
  • Resident Scholar, Penn State Humanities Institute, 2022. 
  • Chief Ogontz Award, Penn State Abington, 2022.
  • President’s Award for Engagement with Students, Penn State, 2022. 
  • 宾夕法尼亚州开放和负担得起的学习补助金(PA GOAL), 2021-2022年. 
  • Summer Stipend, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2021. 
  • Teaching Innovation Fellowship, Penn State Abington, 2020.
  • 负担得起的课程内容教师奖学金,腾讯分分彩平台官网分校,2020年.
  • Outstanding Research Fellowship, Penn State Abington, 2019.
  • 校长资助支持历史未来:一本书会议,2019年
  • 国际斯宾塞学会伊莎贝尔·麦克卡弗里奖斯宾塞研究最佳论文, 荣誉奖(《腾讯分分彩平台》中的预言与历史》), 2019.
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校威廉·安德鲁斯·克拉克纪念图书馆短期奖学金,2018-2019.
  • 2018年腾讯分分彩平台官网分校教务院杰出教学奖.
  • Panzer新学者奖,美国书目学会,2017.
  • 福尔格·莎士比亚图书馆短期研究奖学金,福尔格·莎士比亚图书馆,2015-2016.
  • Andrew W. 2013-2015年,弗吉尼亚大学珍本书学院梅隆奖学金.
  • Phi Beta Kappa, Barnard College, 2007. 

我是腾讯分分彩平台官网分校的文艺复兴文学副教授,我在那里教书, research, and write about early modern English literature, food studies, book history, and political theory. I have also taught at Scripps College, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. I received my B.A. in English Literature and Creative Writing from Barnard College, Columbia University in 2007 and my Ph.D. in English from the University of Pennsylvania in 2014. 我的公共美食历史网站Cooking in the Archives收录了100多份最新食谱,目前已有大约300份,000 visitors. I have published my research on early modern literature, material texts studies, and food studies in a variety of peer-reviewed books, journals, and collections of essays as well as public fora.


想象英国编年史剧中的时间:历史的未来, 1590-1660 (Oxford University Press, 2023) 

Edited Volumes

Renaissance Futures. Co-edited with John Garrison. A special issue of Explorations in Renaissance Culture. 45, 1 (2019). 

Making Milton: Print, Authorship, Afterlives. Co-edited with Emma Depledge and John Garrison. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. 

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters

“‘Emergent Strategy’: Abolitionist Pedagogy in Pandemic Time.” Co-written with Jack Isaac Pryor. The Journal of American Drama and Theatre. 35, no. 2 (2023). 

“Transcribing Recipe Manuscripts Online: V.b.380 and the ‘What’s in a Recipe?’ Undergraduate Research Project at Penn State Abington.与Heather Froehlich和Christina Riehman-Murphy共同编剧. Early Modern Studies Journal 8 (2022). 

嗅觉传染:17世纪伦敦鼠疫的感官体验和Covid-19大流行.” Co-written with Holly Dugan and Lisa Smith. 关键灾害研究工作论文:系列1 - COVID-19的历史方法 8 (2021): 1-24. 

“Cooking the Baumfylde Manuscript.” Early Modern Studies Journal 7 (2021). 

从一本手稿食谱书中烹饪汉娜伍利的印刷食谱:宾夕法尼亚大学. Codex 785.” In After Print: Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Cultures, edited 
by Rachael S. King. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2020. 

“Wasting Time in The Committee-man Curried.” postmedieval 10, 1 (2019): 68-81. 《腾讯分分彩平台官网》特刊由约瑟夫·鲍灵和凯瑟琳·沃克编辑. 

“‘To plant me in mine own inheritance’: Pretenders and Prolepsis in John Ford’s Perkin Warbeck.” Studies in Philology 115, 3 (2018): 580-597. 

“Couplets, commonplaces and the creation of history in 《腾讯分分彩平台》(1649)与 克伦威尔的阴谋 (1660).” In From Republic to Restoration: Legacies and Departures, 69-84. Edited by Janet Clare. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018. 

“Printing as Revival: Making Playbooks in the 1650s.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 111, 4 (2017): 469-489. 
(Reviewed in The Year’s Work in English Studies, “The Seventeenth Century: Part I,” June 2019.) 

“Milton’s Banana: Paradise Lost and Colonial Botany.” Milton Studies 58 (2017): 49-66. 《腾讯分分彩平台》特刊,由Angelica Duran和Elizabeth Sauer编辑. 
(Reviewed in The Year’s Work in English Studies, “Renaissance Drama: Excluding Shakespeare,” April 2019.) 

《阅读1648年的斯宾塞:塞缪尔·谢泼德的预言与历史 Faerie Leveller.” Modern Philology 114, 2 (2016): 286-309. 
(Article awarded Honorable Mention, 国际斯宾塞学会伊莎贝尔·麦克卡弗里奖斯宾塞研究最佳论文, 2019.) 

Selected Public Writing (editor reviewed) 

“Written in the stars: Prince Hal’s almanac,” OUP Blog, March 2024.

“Love-in-idleness, Part Two: Intoxicating botanicals in A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Shakespeare & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, June 2022. 

《闲散之爱,第一部分:采用一种早期现代配方来治疗心脏病》 Shakespeare & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, June 2022.   

“Knots, cookies, and women’s skill,” Shakespeare & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, December 2019. 

“构建真实的学生文本权威:教授你不认识的文本,” with Christina Riehman-Murphy and Heather Froehlich, September 2019. 

“Textures: a thematic series,” with Amanda E. Herbert, The Recipes Project, July 2019. 共同撰写的介绍和共同编辑系列的七篇博客文章. 

"品味四季和莱蒂斯·帕德西的油酥饼"莎士比亚 & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, June 2019. 

“Seed Cake inspired by Thomas Tusser,” Shakespeare & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, March 2019.… 

《腾讯分分彩平台》,莎士比亚 & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, February 2019.… 

“法式英式牛肉:罗伯特·梅的红烧胸肉”,莎士比亚 & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, January 2019.… 

“美国甘露:威廉·休斯的热巧克力”,莎士比亚 & Beyond: at the Folger Shakespeare Library, January 2019.… 



“Early Modern Euro-Indigenous Culinary Connections: Chocolate,” with John Kuhn, The Recipes Project, March 2017. 


Ph D, English, University of Pennsylvania

BA, English, Columbia University

ENGL 223N Shakespeare: Page, Stage, and Screen
ENGL 221W/ENGL 455 Premodern Worlds
ENGL 229 Digital Studies
DIGIT 100 Introduction to Digital Humanities
ENGL 15: Rhetoric and Composition, Food and Culture
ENGL 30: Honors Freshman Composition, Food and Culture
ENGL 129: Shakespeare
ENGL 200: Introduction to Critical Reading
ENGL 202B: Writing in the Humanities
ENGL 440: Studies in Shakespeare
ENGL 445: Shakespeare’s Contemporaries
ENGL 487 (W): Senior Seminar