
学院发展主任 学术事务
副教授,数学教育, 幼儿/小学教育
萨瑟兰119 d


我的教学理念是由我作为学习者和教师的经历所塑造的. There are four interrelated elements of my teaching philosophy for teacher education: mathematics content, 沟通, 社区, 和股票.

Content. 我使用了任务, video, 写的情况下, research, 标准,教科书, 写作作业, and samples of student work to engage prospective and inservice teachers in examining the mathematics that they teach. 当我们讨论数学的时候, 我们还研究了教师解决手头概念的替代方法. 通过观看视频和阅读老师的动作以及检查学生的作业, we learn about common misconceptions and learn to predict possible student outcomes for various lessons. Providing time for students to engage personally in the mathematics is essential.

沟通. 活动如写作数学教学理念, 解释为什么数学课是按照某种方式设计的, or crafting a classroom vignette to reveal a challenge you are facing are valuable experiences. Reflecting on the 沟通 in class about a task everyone has engaged in is important as well. 除了, talking explicitly about my decisions as the instructor or the decisions we observe in video of ourselves teaching and video/写的情况下 allow us all to think about how to foster mathematical 沟通 in our classrooms.

社区. An environment that is supportive of mathematical thinking and analysis is important to the learning process. 除了, 一个群体互动的方式和对群体中其他人的期望, 群体的规范, 需要协商和明确. Prospective and beginning teachers need a place where they can talk about professional issues related to teaching mathematics as well. Teachers need to learn about resources to know where to turn to for help and guidance when they are no longer intimately connected to a college 社区. 另外, teachers need to have their ideas challenged and need to challenge others’ ideas in order to strengthen their own understanding of their beliefs and knowledge of mathematics. 发展一个社区对这些活动很重要.

Equity. 教师需要机会来反思他们对数学的信念, learning, 以及这些与他们对不同人的看法有什么关系, 尤其是那些在种族上与他们不同的人, 社会经济地位, 性取向, 或者其他特征. 这是所有学生在数学上取得成功的关键.


I am interested in studying mathematics teacher 社区 development and teacher learning/professional development, 尤其是在比例推理方面.  Currently I am working with a research team out of UMASS Dartmouth investigating mathematical knowledge for teaching proportional reasoning from the perspective of coherent understanding. I am also working with a science teacher colleague in Ohio on exploring how and what secondary, beginning, mathematics teachers notice when they write about their own classrooms in what we call a “teaching replay”.  在我的论文研究中, I investigated 社区 building in a mathematics professional development course for middle school teachers focused on rational numbers.


Brown, R. E.纳加尔,G. G.奥里尔,C. H.韦兰,T., & Burke, J. (2016). Coherency of a teacher’s proportional reasoning knowledge in and out of the classroom. In M. B. Wood, E. E. 特纳,M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 450-457). 亚利桑那州图森市. 

Nagar, G. G.韦兰,T.布朗,R。. E.奥里尔,C. H., & Burke, J. (2016). Appropriateness of proportional reasoning: Teachers’ knowledge used to identify proportional situations. In M. B. Wood, E. E. 特纳,M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 474-481). 亚利桑那州图森市.

Nagar, G. G.布朗,R。. E.奥里尔,C. H.韦兰,T., & Burke, J. P. (2016). Teacher knowledge: A case study of proportional reasoning in and out of the classroom. In E. Naftaliev, & N. Adin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th annual meeting of the Jerusalem Conference on Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 63-65). 耶路撒冷,以色列.

Brown, R.E.维萨,J. M.莫斯格罗夫,J.L. (2012). The importance of collaboration to new teacher development: Two central features of an induction fellowship. 2012年NCTM年鉴, Professional Collaborations in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Seeking Success for All.

Orrill C. H., & Brown, R. E. (2012). Making sense of double number lines in professional development: Exploring teachers’ understanding of proportional relationships. 数学教师教育,15(5),381-403.

Orrill C. H.布朗,R。. E., Li, F., & 聊聊,年代. K. (2012). Questioning teacher goals in professional development: Shaping satisfaction perceptions, 和性能. In B. Boufoy-Bastick (Ed.), 教学专业发展的文化:合作, 反射, 管理与政策(页. 573-600). 斯特拉斯堡,法国:分析学.

Lee, S.布朗,R。. E., & Orrill C. H. (2011). Mathematics teachers’ reasoning about fractions and decimals using drawn representations. 数学思维与学习,13(3),198-220.

Bogiages C.布朗,R。.E., Lin, J. (2015年4月). Professional Development through STEM Integration: How early career math and science teachers respond to experiencing integrated STEM tasks. Paper presentation at the 2015 National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference: Chicago, IL.

Masloski K. & Brown, R.E. (2014年4月). 使用教学回放作为专业发展工具的试点研究. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Philadelphia, PA.

Brown, R.E. & Mossgrove J. L. (2013年4月). 使用高认知要求的任务来探索推理和证明. Presentation at the 2013 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Brown, R. E. (2013年1月). 社区发展中的数学专业发展. Brief Report at the 2013 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

罗兹,G.R. & Brown, R. E. (2011年10月). 通过在线讨论板支持初级教师. Presentation at the 2011 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, St. 路易斯,莫.

Vissa, J. M.莫斯格罗夫,J. L., & Brown, R. E. (2011年10月). KSTF组合:一种自选教师探究模型. Presentation at the 2011 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, St. 路易斯,莫.

Brown, R. E.查普曼,M. A., & Orrill C. H. (2011年4月). Turning the lens: Complementary perspectives from a professional development workshop. Presentation at the 2011 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, 印第安纳波利斯, IN.

Brown, R. E.维萨,J. M., & Mossgrove J. L. (2011年1月). 考察作为“专家他者”的数学教育者的选择. Presentation at the 2011 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Irvine, CA.

恰拉扬,G.奥里尔,C. H., & Brown, R. E. (2010年10月). In-service middle grades teachers’ use of double number lines to model word problems. Paper presented at 32nd annual meeting of the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Columbus, OH.

舒尔茨,K. T., & Brown, R. E. (2010年10月). Making sense of fraction division representations used by preservice and in-service mathematics teachers. Session presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conferences 2010: Baltimore, MD.


