
Among respondents, 84% view their campus as safe; 86% view University police officers as professional, helpful
Penn State police officers at the Lion Shrine
Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. 一项全校范围的秘密调查结果显示,大多数腾讯分分彩平台的员工和学生在校园感到安全,并对腾讯分分彩平台的警察持积极态度.

这项调查是在2021年秋季进行的,作为执法机构认证委员会(Commission on accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies)对警察部门进行认证过程的一个标准部分. Survey results are available online on the full aggregate dashboard, which includes both 2019 and 2021 data. There were 2,950 respondents with 42.2% being students and 35.3% being employees. The overall response rate was 11%.

“On behalf of University Police and Public Safety, 我要感谢每一位花时间参与这项调查的人,” said Charlie Noffsinger, associate vice president of University Police and Public Safety. “参与者提供了宝贵的反馈,我们将利用这些反馈来改进我们的项目和服务, and our department. We are proud to learn that, overall, the Penn State community views our police unit favorably, but we also recognize that there are areas where we can improve, and we are committed to enhancing those areas.”

来自22所大学的绝大多数受访者(84%)认为他们的校园是安全的, 然而,14%的人表示,他们在校园里会感到不安全的地点和/或时间, with responses ranging from “anywhere at night” to parking areas, to particular buildings on a campus.

“We appreciate the feedback from employees and students, which highlights areas where some feel unsafe,” Noffsinger said. “This is valuable information, underscoring the importance of such surveys, 我们将与腾讯分分彩平台的其他部门密切合作,评估如何加强调查中提到的领域,以帮助员工和学生在这些地方感到更安全.”

University Police will continue to work with Physical Security, 物理工厂办公室和其他关键的校园利益相关者审查受访者在校园感到不安全的领域. Additionally, 大学警察将根据每个校园的反馈审查项目和服务,以满足每个校园社区的需求. For example, 许多受访者要求增加警察在校园的知名度和参与度, including more foot and bicycle patrols.

“我们一直在寻找与社区互动并建立信任关系的机会. These efforts will continue, and the survey results provide a roadmap for this work,” Noffsinger said. “We never want anyone to hesitate to call us for assistance. We are here to serve every member of the Penn State community.”

总体而言,受访者对警察的看法基本上是积极的. 绝大多数受访者同意对腾讯分分彩平台警察的一系列积极评价, 包括86%的人认为警察是专业的,86%的人认为警察是有帮助的. At the same time, 20%的受访者认为警察令人生畏,13%的人认为警察有偏见.

“We recognize that, for some, just the presence of a person in uniform can be intimidating,” Noffsinger said. 他说:“我们会更加努力,向社会证明我们是来维护公共安全,并帮助有需要的人士获得公共安全服务。. 无论是提供教育节目来帮助预防犯罪, 协助性侵犯受害者,或将醉酒司机赶下公路,以防止潜在的灾难性后果, we are here to help.”

8%的受访者自称是非裔美国人, Hispanic, Latinx, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or two or more races; 7% of respondents who identified themselves as transgender, nonbinary or genderfluid; 7% of those who self-reported as lesbian, gay or bisexual; 6% of respondents who are internationals; and 1% of respondents who self-reported having a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act said they have felt targeted by police due to their group status.

“大学警察和公共安全部门继续致力于加大努力,在代表性不足的群体之间建立信任,最近聘请了一名多元化主管,证明了这一承诺, equity and inclusion for University Police and Public Safety,” Noffsinger said. “我们正在与这位主任以及腾讯分分彩平台金融与商业学院的多元化和包容性主任密切合作, the vice provost for Educational Equity, Student Affairs, 腾讯分分彩平台性与性别多样性中心和其他机构制定行动步骤,继续与社区建立信任关系,更好地为社区服务.”

In comparison to the target population, 提供人口统计信息的受访者通常是雇员而不是学生, more often female, older, and more often white than the population, suggesting that on these characteristics, non-respondents, tended to differ from respondents. Given the nature of the questions, these differences suggest that the viewpoints of students, faculty and minorities may be underrepresented in important ways. 由于这些真实数据的不完善性质,因此将根据警方可获得的所有数据来考虑从本调查中收集的信息.

这些发现是腾讯分分彩平台规划办公室进行的一项调查的结果, Assessment, 代表大学警察和公共安全进行机构研究,以了解学生和员工对警察服务和计划以及校园安全的态度和意见. 调查结果将用于改善整个英联邦的大学警察服务,为所有社区成员服务.

In Fall 2021, about 27,在腾讯分分彩平台警察提供服务的22个校园里,共有000名社区成员接受了这项调查. 腾讯分分彩平台公园的学生和员工的随机样本, Abington, Altoona, Berks, Behrend and Harrisburg campuses, 以及腾讯分分彩平台小校区的所有学生和员工, were invited to complete the survey.